At First Christian, we take seriously Jesus call to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  In our Visioning process as a way of making real our core value to “minister in the community with God’s healing love,” we decided we could do that best by partnering with other organizations and creating something of a community resource center here on the corner of 6th and Clark Ave. We partner with the following organizations who share space and a heart for our community as we seek to serve and learn from those “neighbors” in need. Those organization we share such a partnership with include:

  • Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, Inc. located in First Christian Church’s former parsonage, they provide food vouchers, gas vouchers, and rent and utility assistance to those in need in story county.
  • Food at First provides a daily free meal and a three times weekly free fresh food market, no questions asked downstairs at First Christian Church. Food at First depends on the kindness of many volunteers. If you’d like to volunteer, please check out their website.
  • Raising Readers in Story County work hard to put books in the hands of children in Story County to promote literacy. They use a room on second floor to store and organize their books.
  • Being a member congregation of AMOS (A Mid-Iowa Organizing Strategy)  working with other faith based organizations to identify needs of neighbors in central Iowa, and encourage practices and laws which serve to make people’s lives better.  Through AMOS we have tackled tough issues such as local healthcare access and affordability, economic justice, working with the city on environmental impact and awareness, and immigration.
  • Hosting a annual Free Community-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner with Food at First to invite all our neighbors to join us as we give thanks and celebrate and share a meal together.  You are welcome to join us for the meal or get involved by volunteering to help make this happen!
  • There are a variety of support groups who meet at First Christian Church such as Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and Recovery.

We invite you to join us in making a difference in our community as we live out our love for our neighbors.