We are strengthened in life and faith by the connections we make to others on the journey.  At First Christian our motto is, “Come as you are… you belong.”  A sense of belonging happens as people connect with one another and share of their lives and faith.  We want to nurture deep connections between people and provide a warm climate of hospitality to those who are new to the community.  Opportunity to deepen connections and strengthen relationships include:

  • Coffee (and tea) Fellowship following worship in the parlor the first Sunday of the month (September through May).
  • Fellowship Dinner (potluck) following worship in the Fellowship Hall downstairs the third Sunday of the month (September through May).  Don’t worry if you forget to bring something, there’s always enough for everyone!
  • Special Events like walks in nature to learn about the plants, trees and bugs in our community, brunch on the lawn picnic in the summer, bike rides, game nights, sing-alongs, movie nights and more.

We also build relationships as we work together on building upkeep and repair, preparing meals (including the Free Community-Wide Thanksgiving Dinner), making things for fundraisers, setting up for and cleaning up after various church events, walking to raise money to help feed a hungry world, and, of course, as we greet one another each Sunday at the beginning of our worship.